My last job was at Walmart, working in receiving. I busted my ass unloading the shipment from the truck, separating it and putting it in its designated totes until the pallets were full, wheeled the pallets to their designated areas, then had the privilege of stocking said shipment. Usually, we had one person unloading the truck, although we took turns. In the spring and summer, that truck would be sweltering. In the winter, too cold to feel your hands.
We were never given more than 33 hours a week, at $10.00 an hour. Doing the math, that's $330.00 BEFORE taxes, for a job in which we were constantly being told we were working too slow, despite doing the job of three different employees each. A job that you'd go home from, a sweaty, aching mess. So yeah, $600.00 a week for sitting a computer? This is a vacation, by comparison. Not all of us had well paying jobs before this. I only have myself to blame. I have the brains, but I've never had the ambition. Too many of the wrong people have crossed my path, and I was dumb enough to invite them into my life. And when they left, they took a little chunk of my trust and my sanity with them.
I've never cared about money. I just kind of drifted aimlessly through life. Now I have my baby girl to think about. She's my ambition. She's my only reason for getting out of bed. Go work in receiving for a couple of years, then come back here and tell me how small a $600.00 week is. If the intense labor doesn't make you want to quit, then the shitty, disrespectful, ungrateful management will definitely put a nail in that coffin. I stayed, because it's in the town my daughter lives in. Then the house I was renting flooded, life happened, and now I'm here. Hell, $400.00 - $500.00 a week would suit me. I take care of my mom, so I have no expenses. I sell plasma for $350.00 a month, and that takes care of my child support. If I could put back $250.00 a week, within a year, I could either buy a used trailer, or put a nice down payment on a new one. I'd have a place for my daughter to live with me, instead of her mom holding all of the cards. Well, not all of the cards. She's not exactly playing with a full deck.
Yikes. I didn't mean to turk my life story here. I know that no one here has the easy life. Just wanted to put some perspective on why $600.00 weeks are so impressive.