5/month for nearly 200,000 accurate wage data points that you can use to run your turk small business?
seems like quite a small price to pay tbh
bias notwithstanding.
I'm gonna shill here a bit, but not only for myself but for folks like
@Kadauchi as well & say it goes
way beyond this (ie, what is already there). Every time someone is working on a community project in our space it's a decision: do I want to make money for myself, or for everyone else?
That becomes a
very difficult decision to make when projects get especially large (and that includes running a forum like MTC). I think we all know no one is getting filthy rich off of MTurk so continually giving up your own income potential to work on a project gets
really rough at a certain point. That's ignoring the "emotional" aspects (which I'm mostly too dead inside to be privy to, but even I can admit takes a toll) of these kinda things.
And honestly eventually you get so good at it that you'd be better off bouncing & getting a "big boy" job doing it for a living than sticking around working for free.
Can y'all imagine what would happen if Kada bounced because Google or Amazon swept him up? And then MTurk makes a site change and MTS dies overnight? If not take a minute to ponder it, because its a real possibility. If your imagination is kicked from all the
'think of a time when' surveys you really only need to look at the tools some people still use every day to see it happening. HIT Scraper & Turk Master both "work" on worker and every single person using them right now can lose their account at any moment for doing so. I can upload a HIT and have a full page screenshot of your desktop if you're using HIT Scraper
right now and there is no way for our community to fix that and no way for a user to stop it outside of teaching themselves JS.
I don't want anyone to pay for anything they're not getting value out of. That's dumb, and isn't my point, but just throwing out food for thought when people are discussing the merits of paid/unpaid services. Totally understand if folks have qualms about TV going for funding this way, I know I don't come here often to discuss the day-to-day ongoings/decision making that tend to make the folks intimately integrated into TV more comfortable with the idea so happy to have the convo with folks because I think its an important one to have.
Seriously, I have trouble just keeping up READING both forums.
@ChrisTurk is so self-deprecating and drop-everything-to-be-helpful... I don't know how he does it.
I think it’s possible to raise concerns without questioning Chris Turk as a person.
I’m sure he’s swell.
FWIW I don't take any of anything personally. I'm okay enough with my own character flaws to be alright with anyone's opinions/thoughts haha.
Unless you talk smack about my Santa hat. Its only starting to smell a little funky, its fine. Everything is fine