Title: Looking for Religious Women who have been Sexually Abused. (~60 mins) |
Requester: Positly [A20SRJ4UG9W0H0]
TurkerView: [ $16.07 / hour ]
Description: Subject Line: Participants being sought for a qualitative research study - $50 Amazon gift card for participation
My name is Joy Kwon. I am an undergraduate student at Wheaton College. The research team that I am part of is currently looking for women who could help our research. We are interested in the stories and experiences of women who have a) experienced unwanted sexual encounters and b) have some form of religious/spiritual connection. Our interest in these stories comes from numerous clients we have worked with who express far too often they have experienced unwanted sexual encounters. While there is data on childhood sexual abuse, far less research listens to women tell their point of view and experiences. Our aim is to listen to your experiences in order to better understand how unwanted sexual encounters may shape their view of a higher power or a person in their life (e.g., primary caregiver or friend). Our hope is that your stories will inform our understanding in the field of psychology as we strive to serve and advocate better for those who have experienced unwanted sexual encounters.
Consider participating in this study if you:
- Are over the age of 18
- Experienced a recurring incident of unwanted sexual experiences (2 times or more)
- Contact can include (but is not limited to): fondling or breasts or genitals, penetration, exploitation or use of child in production to pornographic materials, prostitution, masturbation, oral sex, and completed intercourse
- At some point in your life identify as having a relationship with a higher power
- Grew up in the United States
Participation in this research includes:
An interview that is expected to last around 30-60 minutes
The interview will be a one-on-one interview via a video platform (Zoom)
The focus of the interview will be on your past/current spiritual and social connections
You will be asked to provide some brief demographic information.
You will be compensated for your time with one $50
Duration: 183 Min
Available: 2
Reward: $1.00
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- ab5c70a2a750f5b115e550db4b754b92dfd32213 NotIn 1, 2, 3
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 96
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- Location EqualTo US