Advice for requester: To approve all submissions, set MTURK_AUTO_APPROVE = True in server/config/'m fighting with Visual Studio Code, in Python.Today no HITs.

Advice for requester: To approve all submissions, set MTURK_AUTO_APPROVE = True in server/config/'m fighting with Visual Studio Code, in Python.Today no HITs.
hey now, I've sold my soul for less on mturkspill your life for a buck. religious? is that like selling your soul?
could be worse, could be in R I hate hate HATE R...python is so much nicer YMMVI'm fighting with Visual Studio Code, in Python.Today no HITs.
HIT is also offering $50 in Amazon Gift Cards if qualified. Not a woman nor religious, but I probably wouldn't do it even if I was qualified. Just pay me $50 via MTurk.spill your life for a buck. religious? is that like selling your soul?
most of the time i just copy the title of the hit and enter that back to them, Other times i put "seeing how many workers will do your study for the low amount of pay you are offering"on a lot of surveys these days where they ask "what do you think this survey was about", I answer, "finding out how little per hour I'm willing to work for"
thanks!!Happy Birthday, January 27th Babies!!!
@charlie D @Derik Lopes
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hahahaha i love iton a lot of surveys these days where they ask "what do you think this survey was about", I answer, "finding out how little per hour I'm willing to work for"
i don't recognize that requester. have you emailed? maybe it's a bot grader thing? i've seen those screw batches up in the past.anyone else get mass rejected by yuval?
hi! i haven't posted here in a long time (Back to turking after my WFH contract was put on's like relearning everything!)
I was just wondering if anyone can help me with this QBC issue;
whenever surveys are posted in a 'batch' forum it'll accept like 15-20 at a time instead of just 1; is there a setting to fix that?
Also, how many PRE's is acceptable? It seems like I never get under 2%, don't wanna mess anything up.
a lot (most?) of good science starts with not knowing where you're going (basic research vs applied) I work sporadically for google as a data scientist while on medical leave from them - a lot of the stuff they do (moonshot project) is not knowing what the answer is, not knowing what the payoff is. Obviously they can afford it, but this is what a lot of their passion project is about - not knowing what crazy idea will take off. Look how many things took off that were "obviously" wrong - postit notes were from a glue that didn't work, viagra was a heartburn med or something like that first, what it's known for now was a side effect thenhahahaha i love it
though my favorite is: If you don't know why are you doing this to begin with?