Yeah, sorry. That's what I meant. They usually have 2 or 4 drawers for silverware. Sometimes a hutch on top to display china, and always 2 or 3 cabinets beneath for undisplayable(read

lain) china and 'serving silver' (trays etc.
Where else am I supposed to store my decorative birbs and various kitchen wares I don't want to keep in the kitchen, EH EH EH? I throw a lot of dinner parties and own a lot of original corningware/pyrex that I don't like leaving where my cats and dogs can fill it with their hair and knock it over.
We had to leave it in storage until we buy a house here, and I'm vexed without it. My cats can open the kitchen cabinets, most of my kitchen stuff is in storage or boxes because this kitchen is too small, and I don't have any shelves for my decorative birbs so most of them are packed up.
Pssshaw. I love my various decorative storage. I have a ton of pans and corningware I use a lot but take up an anoying amount of space to futz around with in my kitchen all the time. It's just nicer to store them in a buffet table and not have my cat knocking them on the ground or my dogs slamming into it by accident.