Title: Workplace Change: Scenario 5(~ 5 minutes) • Accept Requester: Shereen Fatimah [A2PTKE3EPESD4F] Contact TV: [Hrly=$20.91][Pay=Generous][Approval=~24 hrs][Comm=Unrated][Rej=0][Blk=0] TO: [Pay=0.00][Fast=0.00][Comm=0.00][Fair=0.00][Reviews=1][ToS=0] Reward: $1.00 Duration: 00:30:00 Available: 3 Description: This is a short survey on workplace behaviors. The survey will take 5 minutes and you will be reimbursed $1.00 for your participation. We would like to invite individuals who are currently full-time employees, located in USA, and proficient in English, to participate in this survey. Please leave the MTurk window open as you complete the survey. When you are finished, you will return to this page to paste the code into the box. Thank you for your help with our study! Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 50; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; Exc: [2019492205-347792] DoesNotExist ; Location In US 7 mins |
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