you guys i'm missing a $120 transfer from my amazon payments to my bank because of a weird $1,000 monthly limit that my online savings account has (Barclays). the transfer is marked completed on amazon payments side and there is a transfer on either end (one before and one after) that did appear in my account. however this one is missing and i got this email message today:
This is a notification that an item on your account has been returned and a $5 fee has been charged. Please log in to your account to view the details.
but the weird thing is that my online account isn't reflecting any fee (but is missing the $120 "completed" transfer, and a transfer made 2 days after that is in the account). what is going on and am i out $120? ugh. i have other accounts linked i can transfer it to, but didn't realize i had reached my limit this month. the limit is to offer a higher interest rate (which is kinda BS, it's only 1% anyway). ok, rant mostly over, but where my money??