Title: Rate an online article (required screening test) | PANDA Requester: HubPages [A2D82ES1DAIYZZ] (TO) TO Ratings: 3.26 Communicativity 3.42 Generosity 4.28 Fairness 4.69 Promptness Number of Reviews: 82 (Submit a new TO rating for this requester) Description: Before you can work on HubPages' regular HITs, you must complete all 15 of our screening test HITs. If you pass the screening test, you will receive a bonus. These HITs involve reading an online magazine article and rating it on three scales: substance, organization, and grammar. It typically takes a couple of minutes to read and rate an article. Time: 5 days Hits Available: 10 Reward: $0.15 Qualifications: Online article rating accuracy is less than 100, Location is US |