My present counsel has been paid in full and I promised him 10% on contingency. For any help he offers upon
AQUISITION of any further monies that are acquired by him or his firm. So, there's plenty of meat left on the bone for us both to profit. Also, since he acquired a new lawyer and immediately tried to settle for the original amount of 30k, let's me on the that fact that he HAS 30k that he's willing to part with, how much is he afraid we'll find if we do a bit of digging? Because he wouldn't part with his last 30k but, he would use it as a distraction to save his house, property and any other cash he has hidden. It should actually be mine anyway due to the judgement , in our favor, of ALL Wholesale Motors assets. He said there's no money left. But, I found out where he spent all the embezzled cash. He said he bought more cars under my name and "gave" them to his girlfriend and started a new car dealership. The lot is full of my cars, which I have titles for. I'm just waiting for the Sherrif to meet me out there so I can collect them all, and get the investigation rolling on his charges. He also bought a house and left it in his name, so that's going to have to go too. Even if he goes to bankruptcy, he's losing that house. It's a mess but, I'll explain from start to finish some other time when it's slower. We were an LLC, just so you know. Also, quickly, we opened a bank account for the business. It started with just my name as owner. Then I added the defendants brother as a second party on the account. A month later, the brother went in and added my "partner" on to the account without my authorization. Then, they had my name removed, "FROM MY ACCOUNT!" They cleaned it out. TD Bank says that can't understand how it happened. I said, then it shouldn't have right. The teller manager say, "Just between you and me, we have a bunch of lawyers and would bury you in paperwork. We never lose in court."
I said,"But, you do have a big old slush fund for settling out of court for cases where you know you screwed up, like this one." He didn't know what to say. So, TD Bank is the next target.