Title: Mystical Experience, Awe, and Mystical Experience(~ 60 minutes) |
Requester: Malynda Clark [A3TXZG1MMRX11Q]
TurkerView: [ N/A ]
Description: This is a research study designed to contribute to general knowledge. The purpose of this research is to investigate and explore the relationships between mystical experience, awe, and self-diminishment with both quantitative and qualitative methods.
You must be at least 18 years of age and located in the United States to participate in this research. Phase I of the study will include 200 participants, and phase II will include 9 to 12 of the original 200.
This research study has two phases. If you consent to participate in Phase I of the study, you
will be asked to complete two anonymous surveys via MTurk. You will also be asked to read a
brief description of Phase II of the study and to indicate whether you would be interested in
volunteering to participate in Phase II. If you decide to volunteer to participate in Phase II, you
will be asked to provide a valid email address to receive correspondence regarding Phase II of
the study. You are not required to volunteer to participate in Phase II or to provide a valid email
address in order to participate in Phase I. If you do not wish to participate in Phase II, your
participation will only involve the completion of two anonymous surveys via MTurk, and to
select the option “No” when asked if you would be interested in participating in Phase II of the
study. Your decision to volunteer or not to volunteer to participate in Phase II of this study will
have no bearing on your completion of Phase I of this study, or your compensation for Phase I.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 9
Reward: $1.00
- Exc: [11269542-353419] DoesNotExist
- TP Panel: 1989414341 N GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US