Title: [NFL] Sport Fan Behavior Research(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: SUK OH [A16F9335HWN5LT]
TurkerView: [ N/A ]
Description: This HIT is part of a study at Clemson University. Your decision to complete this HIT is voluntary, and your responses are anonymous. The results of the research may be presented at scientific meetings, published in scientific journals, or made publicly available to other researchers. Clicking on the ‘Accept’ button at the bottom of this page indicates that you are at least 18 years of age, live in the United States, and agree to complete this HIT voluntarily.
The study examines National Football League (NFL) fans’ willingness to support their favorite NFL team’s philanthropic initiative. Specifically, you will be asked to name one of the NFL teams. You will then be asked to read a short hypothetical news article about the NFL team, and answer questions related to your perceptions of the team’s philanthropic involvement, your willingness to participate in the team’s philanthropic initiative, as well as your demographic information.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 4
Reward: $0.50
Requester: SUK OH [A16F9335HWN5LT]
TurkerView: [ N/A ]
Description: This HIT is part of a study at Clemson University. Your decision to complete this HIT is voluntary, and your responses are anonymous. The results of the research may be presented at scientific meetings, published in scientific journals, or made publicly available to other researchers. Clicking on the ‘Accept’ button at the bottom of this page indicates that you are at least 18 years of age, live in the United States, and agree to complete this HIT voluntarily.
The study examines National Football League (NFL) fans’ willingness to support their favorite NFL team’s philanthropic initiative. Specifically, you will be asked to name one of the NFL teams. You will then be asked to read a short hypothetical news article about the NFL team, and answer questions related to your perceptions of the team’s philanthropic involvement, your willingness to participate in the team’s philanthropic initiative, as well as your demographic information.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 4
Reward: $0.50
- Exc: [351514-350925] DoesNotExist
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US