back in the day I worked as a bouncer in local dives and such, and it was a pretty good gig at the time, but I was getting restless and needed a new venue to hone my craft, so one day this guy calls me up and ask if I would be willing to come help him at his club in Texas, I said sure. So I got my duffle bag and got in my old car and left for Texas.
As soon as I got there at the Bar and walked in a big brawl broke out, so I just walked past everyone and went upstairs to the owner's office and said I'm here. He was very glad to see me and asked if I could do something about the brawl that had just broken out, I said sure.
So I went back downstairs and took my shirt and pants off, and proceeded to roundhouse kick everyone in the bar. That being said, that was the last brawl to ever happen at that bar.