Much needed free therapy session. You da real MVP, have fun reading 

Y'all cold blooded to the retirees today.
40 more than I got. We've been busy at work and I just checked in and see I've missed all the goodness.Only got 40 Ipsoft.
Y'all cold blooded to the retirees today.
Amen to that. Managed to at least grab a little over a queue full while wrangling the kid.Yo@IPsoft AWS Account seriously thanks for these. You have no idea how crappy and slow this week has been, and even though this doesn't make up for all those days it's nice doing hits where you aren't being paid pennies to do a ton of work.
Kool. Good to know.There doesn't seem to be anything about rejects so should be fine. Mostly just shitty pay. This one wasn't so bad though, I don't think
Yep, go ahead!@IPsoft AWS Account are we free to discuss our sentences?
I missed my 3 year turk anniversary
Happy 3 year and 1 week anniversary to me.
No giving the goods away for free!@IPsoft AWS Account are we free to discuss our sentences?
5 years probation, 100 hours community service over here.@IPsoft AWS Account are we free to discuss our sentences?
No giving the goods away for free!![]()
All my sentences were ranting about how Kendrick promised he'd drop an album today and then he didn't. All caps were used on all of them.My three sentences on Kayne's earlier work can not be replicated.
5 years probation, 100 hours community service over here.