Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,
You've received a bonus from Motivation Lab for work related to 3S4TINXCC1P5HS87Z7I5X8LBY0HBO1.
The value of your bonus is: $1.50 USD
The Requester included this note:
Hello! Thank you for participating in Part 1 and 2 of the HIT “Your Health and Habits Over Time”. This is your 3-day reminder of the strategy you learned to help you in realizing your goal of reducing or quitting your cigarette smoking.
If you recall, you learned a strategy called WOOP, which entailed the following steps:
WISH: What is your most important wish or goal that is challenging but you are confident you will be able to realize?
Best OUTCOME: What would be the one very best outcome of realizing your wish or goal?
Main inner OBSTACLE: What is it in you that might stand in the way of realizing your wish or goal?
If-then PLAN: "If (I encounter my inner Obstacle), then I will (perform the Behavior to overcome it)!"
You can use WOOP for any wish or goal you might have every day, including wishes and goals regarding reducing or quitting smoking - while you're waiting for the bus, at breakfast, or before you go to sleep. We will be in touch in about 3-1/2 weeks (25 days) with an invitation to participate in the final part of this study, Part 3. Thank you!
Thanks for being a Worker on Mechanical Turk!
Amazon Mechanical Turk