Sure that's fair, but I was not the person who originally posted the article. I do admit that I did however continue posting about politics. I also see that this thread is under "Daily Work Threads" but it seems to also be a general forum to speak about many things as I've seen in the past. I looked through the forum rules and I haven't found anything pertaining to this, however I would love to read them if you could link them to me please. Thank you.
Quick edit: For example in this worker's thread there are multiple posts about how many sexual partners you've had and how it compares to others in your age group. Does that also not belong in social discussion? All I'm trying to say is, if there are rules and they're only being enforced whether we like the discussion being here or not, then how is it fair for me to know whether or not a discussion belongs here or not?
I haven't been following this thread carefully -- so I'm sure I'll miss something (sorry). But, here goes: there is a politics thread. Politics should always go there.
The partners thing, I posted, but there wasn't much back and forth about it......and - despite that - I think I saw
@Jaded post a gentle reminder to stay off that topic

. That's primarily how these things go. There will be gentle reminders (and then not so gentle ones)
In general, when it's slow, people do post things and sometimes the conversation gets slightly derailed. But this is a work thread. And this is prime work time, so most of what you should see here should be work related.
Politics should never really get on the main thread (it's just too divisive). Post that in the politics thread, if you want a discussion

Edit: okay, I knew that would happen. I posted late.......