Okay, I'm slow and probably overstate how hard things are

(things can seem too hard at first but once I get going on things they're usually easier than I thought they'd be) but I've been working this last hour on figuring scripting stuff out. In addition to tampermonkey (I'm on Chrome) I've figured out that it and some other things are extensions (yeah, I'd forgot lol). I had tampermonkey turned on and Tools for Amazon's Mechanical Turk turned on, and all the other turk-related ones turned off.
I've looked at the help section here, but what I'm wondering and don't see is - Is there like a list of more current popular extensions and scripts anywhere I can browse? I know I want to install MturkSuite and get something like database working again, but I'd like to look at what else there is. Specifically anyone know a good auto refresh (for Mac Chrome)? I see I had Auto Refresh Plus but remember there were some things about it I didn't like and it's been so long I wonder if there's a newer better one now.
I don't want to just turn everything back on because I don't really know what I'm doing yet, it slows my computer down and also I'll be overwhelmed with all the changes and not know what caused what, so I'm going one at a time kind of. Gonna start with the Suite and then continue on. Might take working on it off and on for the next few weeks in between work.