Logged in about 10 minutes ago and it was giving me some weird error when I tried to accept any HIT.
Kept saying "account set up is not complete"
Logged in to payments to see if there was a message, there wasn't.
Went back to Mturk and now everything is fine
it does that to me periodically. I emailed amazon about it months ago and they said it was going to have to be studied by someone other than the first person who said he'd look at it.
I sent a screenshot because he asked.
No one ever got back to me after that.......
That happens to me pretty often. Like twice a week, no more than once a day. Usually it happens when I try to accept my first HIT. What I've sussed out is that it's not giving me an accurate error message that is based on any bit of the setup of my account. Why I've found it happens to me, is because I'm trying to accept my first HIT from the forum, and I haven't logged in to, or visited, MTurk yet. The first time, I got super nervous. Then I realized that I can solve it by opening my 'Dashboard' before trying to accept any HITs(which I forget to do sometimes). It's not that I'm logged out, because I'd have to sign in before being able to accept a HIT. It feels as if it's trying to accept the HIT but has 'disassociated' from my account and is trying to accept the HIT to an generic blank account which is not 'set up' because it doesn't exist. By opening any other Mturk page(dashboard, assigned, etc) first, I avoid this because it fixes it's association issue. I don't do it every time because sometimes I wake up, have the forum open and see a HIT that I want, right away. Those times are when it happens.
I know I'm probably explaining it poorly but, this is what I've figured out. It happens to me more often than most, I think, because I tend to take a couple days off at a time. That's when it becomes "disassociated". And, also, the message does not reflect any actual problem with my account.