I guess I view it two different ways. On one hand, there are people out there who totally take advantage of others and want to be waited on like you're describing. On the other hand, it isn't uncommon for there to be mental issues that can manifest in different ways as one gets older, especially when we're oblivious to it or haven't seen a doctor/psychiatrist/etc to rule them out. Since you said she was independent before and now isn't, I am personally leaning toward the latter.
All in all, I agree with
@Despairagus. Get her to someone who can help her. The average functioning person does not typically exhibit that extreme kind of behaviorism change unless something is terribly wrong. For example, even dopamine deficiency (which is very common) can create a ton of behavioral problems, like very low motivation to
do anything. Speaking from firsthand experience.
And it probably isn't my place to say, but her parents sound nuts and entitled. They might've felt justified in locking her out of her room to make her do things, but that is manipulative, controlling behavior 101. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if your wife's childhood actually left her with some scars she has yet to mend.