Title: 5 min. (paid) survey to see if you are eligible for $11 health behaviors study (~ 5 minutes) |
Requester: Pfeiber Lab [A3BJSTP6K45UAE]
TurkerView: [ $40.85
/ hour ]
Description: This is a short survey about your health behaviors and experiences. You will be paid $.50 and it takes most people about 5 min.
We will also assess whether you are eligible to participate in 1 of 2 longer studies.
If you are eligible for study 1, it pays $11.00 and takes most people 60 minutes.
If you are eligible for study 2, it pays $3.00 and takes most people 15 minutes.
You will have to option to take follow-up study 1 or 2 now or later.
If you complete it right away, you will be paid the additional amount as a bonus on this hit.
If you wait to complete it later, you will be sent a new link to your mTurk account.
Note: You will be paid $.50 for completing this eligibility survey even if you are not eligible for one of the longer studies.
Duration: 180 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $0.50
- Exc: [-1513056721-316374] DoesNotExist
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US