Thanks for all the good advice.
There is no shortcut to becoming a good turker... Practice, practice, practice.
Better pay comes with
experience. You could submit 100 000 penny HITs but that's not going to make you more experienced with using mturk. Spend your first 5000 HITs trying different kinds of HITs (while choosing carefully -- stay away from the risky requesters). Use something like Mturk Suite to both provide you with TO ratings on the fly as well as give you the ability to block all of those crummy receipt HITs and other garbage -- if they're cluttering up your screen you're not going to be able to see anything good.
Figure out what you're good at doing, what you might be good at doing, and what skills you might have that could make a meh HIT an awesome one.Ask yourself things like Do you have a programmable mouse? Can you use AutoHotKey? Does the HIT have potential to become fast once you've got an efficient routine down pat?
Don't get stuck in the trap of thinking that the HIT must pay a high amt to be worth it. I'd way rather do 20 5-cent HITs that take 15-20 seconds each than to do one higher paying $1 HIT that takes me 10 minutes to do.
The people with high earnings after a few months probably had 150 HITs completed within the first 2 days of turk -- you just need to turk more so that you can learn how to turk effectively.