A very tired Sweetie checking in

I spent a great few days in (south) Florida with my grandparents before Irma decide that we needed to evacuate. It took us 2 days of travel to make it to my sister's (just outside of Atlanta). We'll wait for the hurricane to pass and one of my Uncles & Aunt will pick them up and bring them home and I can book my flight home (my other flight was canceled). They are 88 and 93 and haven't left their home in over 10yrs now. My G'ma had a mini-stroke last month and has dementia :/ They have aides (while they're home), but for now ... just me. Silver linings: they are both mobile, continent, feed themselves, etc so we are having an adventure (that I certainly will never forget).
Miss everyone, miss turking (yes) and miss remembering what day it is. Anyone who stayed ... please stay as safe as you can