As many others have said, this is a scam. I have worked many years in IT, specifically security and no way in hell HP would contact you like this they just dont monitor your system in that way and they dont do cold calls like that. This is a scammer their intent could be as simple as attempting to get your credit card, or they could be trying to slave your machine. If you haven't given them control yet, DO NOT! I have seen firsthand peoples machines being slaved and used for money laundering, if they have already gotten access to your PC, I would call the police. I know that sounds drastic but I have seen someones machine being used for money laundering by terrorists, the guy was locked out of his PC and was just watching hundreds of transactions going through HIS computer and HIS accounts. If you have installed anything from them, allowed them access etc Disconnect your PC from the internet immediately and get it to a professional. Malware bytes and Antivirus can catch normal run of the mill stuff, but a malicious intentional attack will most likely be missed in some part by those programs. Again not trying to scare you or anything but I have seen this many times and it CAN get quite serious.