10/03 - We'll Meet Again Monday

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 17 11.0%
  • Over easy

    Votes: 36 23.2%
  • Over hard

    Votes: 13 8.4%
  • Scrambled

    Votes: 50 32.3%
  • Poached

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Wtf does this even mean?

    Votes: 18 11.6%
  • Quiche

    Votes: 10 6.5%
  • Marshmallows

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
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Jan 12, 2016
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This Has Gone Too Far.

I work in a big retail store, and one of the things we sell is a high protein drink for weight lifters, etc. called Muscle Milk. Yesterday we got a shipment with some new flavors.

Pumpkin Spice Muscle Milk. :meh:

Next week we'll probably have Pumpkin Spice cough syrup. :eyeroll:


dr. peepee poopoo
Jan 21, 2016
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Milwaukee via Boston
But she said that the metric was hourly pay and that a $10 survey for 20 minutes was too high and a $12 survey for over an hour was fine. Another reason (along with the lack of response from many other requesters in the past) not to give feedback. It takes time and doesn't typically yield results and others will do it most of the time if there's really a reason. Or you can pay Jaded @Jaded to do your feedback for you.
Technically, she said $12 for 20 minutes was too much, and said nothing about $12 for over an hour being "fine", the quote was "I go through these tasks prior to putting them on MTurk and this specific one I thought was too long". In fact, saying that perhaps she had underestimated the pay involved. Feedback in that regard would help in so far as it being a "game" apparently, which lends itself to variable completion times. Did more people find it easier to understand? Perhaps many found it difficult? We'll never know.

"others will do it most of the time if there's really a reason" is, I guess, relying on people like me to do your legwork for you, and bystander syndrome is not an effective way to garner results. I find her HITs to generally pay in the range of $10-$15 an hour. I find them fair. I leave feedback when I don't. Feedback takes an extra minute to leave in a succinct manner. Using hyperbole like "I'd never get anything done!" does nothing to further relations or help people to understand what you're thinking.
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Jan 12, 2016
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So, I'm resigning as admin, here at MTC. :depressed:

I've been sitting here for far too long, getting far too emotional, over just how I want to word my big resignation post and I just can't seem to start it off right. Nothing sounds right. So, I figured I would just come right out and say it. I'm stepping down.

I'm sure this is probably taking many by surprise, but really, it has been a long time coming. I'm sure it's pretty apparent to anyone that has paid attention that I've been dealing with personal stuff for the last several months, and as anyone that really knows me can tell you, I have a terrible habit of focusing all of my attention on things like this forum, at the expense of my own mental health. I tend to focus so much that I can't pull myself away, and stress just starts to build and pile on. It affects me very negatively and, as someone that already has some pretty major mental health issues, it really starts to affect my physical health as well. I need to step away from the responsibility and the stress for a good, long time, I think. As much as I love this place, I really need to focus on other things. I think it's the best thing that I can do for myself, right now.

I'm not necessarily going anywhere, though! Not permanently, anyway. I'll still be around, here and there, but I'll probably be keeping a bit of a lower profile than I typically do... especially for now, while I sort of adjust and figure things out. I just won't be a staff member here, anymore.

I would like to thank all of you, though, for just being so great. This whole experience has been absolutely incredible, and it never would have been a thing without all of you. I consider you all friends and many of you are like family to me. And that's why this decision has been so difficult for me and has taken so long. This truly is a wonderful group.

I already thanked the staff earlier, but I just want to thank them all again. I love working with every one of them so much, and I'm really going to miss it. It really is a thing of wonder that we can get 8 or 9 people together and run a forum as big as this, as efficiently and effectively as we have (and with no drama!) There are so many things that each of them do, every day, that will never be recognized by most people on this forum because those things all happen behind the scenes. They help to make this place what it is, so please, just give them a break once in a while. They all deserve it.

And thank you, everyone, for just being so good to me. Some of you have been around and dealt with me as a moderator or an administrator for years, and have had to put up with a lot of bitchiness and just plain bad days from me (Not to mention all of those edits. Sooo many edits.) Despite always doubting myself and constantly worrying that I was hurting my relationships with people on the forum by being too strict, or too forceful, or whatever, I feel like I've just always received nothing but love and appreciation in return. Like, I don't think I could even begin to count how many times I've had a really horrible day completely turned around, just by maybe a comment from someone, or even a pic, or joke, or whatever.

And as someone that is actually really, really shy (does anyone remember me from MTF or when I was new on MTG, and I only ever posted HITs but never talked because I was so fucking awkward and nervous all the time?), this community has done such a remarkable job with being so accepting and always making me feel welcome, that it really helped me to open up and come out of that shell that I had been hiding in for so long. It has allowed me to be comfortable with being myself in front of others, which is something that I've always struggled with. That really means the the world to me and is probably my sole reason for continuing on with this for as long as I have. There's so much love and positivity in this community, it really is something special. You guys are the best and I absolutely adore every single one of you. :blueheart::blueheart::blueheart::blueheart:

Farewell, friends...

I apologize for the length, but I just started typing and I guess it just all came out. I'm sure my punctuation is atrocious, too.
I am so sorry to see you go :( I do understand fully where you are coming from though. My hubby suffers from manic depression and I understand. I am glad that you realized what you needed to do. My hubby use to moderate a forum for people with depression. He got so wrapped up in trying to help everyone else that it took a huge toll on his own health. He would stay up day and night trying to help people because that is how he is. He is not a people person "in person" but this was his way of helping others without having to physically be present. He was very good at it because he understood where they were coming from. Finally, when he got very sick, he stepped away. It was very hard for him and he worried about all his friends and people on the forum. Eventually, everyone went different ways and he missed it. A few people kept in touch for awhile but that eventually ended too. He had a great connection with people and it was his way of contributing. I know he missed it for a long time but things change and we have to move on. Hopefully, you can step back and regroup for your own peace of mind. I don't think that this bunch of crazies will be going anywhere. When and if you are ready to return, I am sure they will be here with waiting arms. Take care of yourself, your are so worth it. <3


Active Member
May 20, 2016
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Just noticed this
Message from VDX
First off i apologize for not being able to respond to all the emails, theres been quite a few. Also, i've noticed that it's taking a bit longer than i expected to finish a hit. I'm also getting a return rate of around 40% when it should be around 50%. In order to help out the return rate, and ensure that people take their times checking names and addresses, i will increase the pay 33% starting with the next batch to 4 cents. If i end up getting poor or inaccurate data then i will re-evaluate.

Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

The message above was sent by an Amazon Mechanical Turk user.
Please review the message and respond to it as you see fit.

Don't bend stay strong
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2016
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OMG, I developed an egg allergy after having my kids, now my youngest is 6 and I can finally eat eggs again, I have also never gotten a flu shot since then. I wonder how much of a connection there is there.
My doctor didn't want to hear about it and when I went in for my checkup a couple weeks ago she tried to force me into getting another flu shot and was like "oh you can get them now even if you're allergic to eggs". Um, NO! Never getting it again. I think there must be some sort of connection there. It was the first flu shot I'd ever gotten (and the last).
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Red Cat-Bear
Crowd Pleaser
Jan 12, 2016
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Technically, she said $12 for 20 minutes was too much, and said nothing that about $12 for over an hour being "fine", the quote was "I go through these tasks prior to putting them on MTurk and this specific one I thought was too long". In fact, saying that perhaps she had underestimated the pay involved. Feedback in that regard would help in so far as it being a "game" apparently, which lends itself to variable completion times. Did more people find it easier to understand? Perhaps many found it difficult? We'll never know.

"others will do it most of the time if there's really a reason" is, I guess, relying on people like me to do your legwork for you, and bystander syndrome is not an effective way to garner results. I find her HITs to generally pay in the range of $10-$15 an hour. I find them fair. I leave feedback when I don't. Feedback takes an extra minute to leave in a succinct manner. Using hyperbole like "I'd never get anything done!" does nothing to further relations or help people to understand what you're thinking.
I didn't say I'd never get anything done, that was C to the J @C to the J . And I tend not to even start surveys until someone posts a decent time or I evaluate it in advance. So there's never a need for feedback about pay. If it ends up being too long but still in the range they estimated, that's about me, not them.

I would and have left feedback, and I always note when I see a mistake or other problem with the survey. But leaving feedback about pay, for me, is not worth it, because of the lack of response I've seen in the past and the lack of repeat work from most survey requesters.
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C to the J

Outlaw Turker
Master Pleaser
Crowd Pleaser
HIT Poster
Jan 12, 2016
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Technically, she said $12 for 20 minutes was too much, and said nothing that about $12 for over an hour being "fine", the quote was "I go through these tasks prior to putting them on MTurk and this specific one I thought was too long". In fact, saying that perhaps she had underestimated the pay involved. Feedback in that regard would help in so far as it being a "game" apparently, which lends itself to variable completion times. Did more people find it easier to understand? Perhaps many found it difficult? We'll never know.

"others will do it most of the time if there's really a reason" is, I guess, relying on people like me to do your legwork for you, and bystander syndrome is not an effective way to garner results. I find her HITs to generally pay in the range of $10-$15 an hour. I find them fair. I leave feedback when I don't. Feedback takes an extra minute to leave in a succinct manner. Using hyperbole like "I'd never get anything done!" does nothing to further relations or help people to understand what you're thinking.
I get that you don't like me but you don't need to bad mouth me and try to drag me back into a debate that I said I was clearly dropping.....and didn't even start in the first place.
Guess this is what the ignore button is for.
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Mostly a Turtle
Jan 12, 2016
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How fast do i have to do content research questions to be rich?
:turtle::turtle::turtle::turtle: forever......nonstop...forever :ahhh:
Today's Projected Earnings: $30.00 + Bonuses: $0.89 = $30.89
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