They gave me generic answers, too. I was "handled" very politely. I think the situation is probably this: MTurk pays StudyLab to "run" the Qualification (they used to pay SurveyComet to do it). MTurk probably thinks StudyLab has some competent algorithm or something by which they are smartly gathering data that they then smartly analyze and come to an informed decision about the quality of a Turker's work. But, of course, that isn't happening. StudyLab grants the CR1, CR2, and mysterious b99599ff Qualifications based on one, maybe two or three, hits (all under $1), and those Qualifications may bar a worker, like me, from what seems like about 60, maybe more, percent of the available work on MTurk. Now, if I was designated as a poor worker because of some intelligent, criteria-gathering mechanism, I would honestly stand down; but my livelihood has been crippled because StudyLab sloppily and lazily carries out the job that Mturk hired them to do. Again, I wonder if Mturk is aware of the present caliber of BS associated with StudyLab. Maybe someone should tell them. But I'm not going to. I can't afford to risk the remaining 40% of work I CAN do.