Title: Remember Words in Order (50-60min) | PANDA
Requester: Michael Kahana [A1AG958OMJXUAC]
TurkerView: [ $12.50 / hour ]
Description: Try to remember as many words as you can! Please note that ad blockers must be paused/disabled for the HIT to appear.
Duration: 150 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $7.50
Requester: Michael Kahana [A1AG958OMJXUAC]
TurkerView: [ $12.50 / hour ]
Description: Try to remember as many words as you can! Please note that ad blockers must be paused/disabled for the HIT to appear.
Duration: 150 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $7.50
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 0
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95
- Location EqualTo US