What are funds held for liability?
Funds held for liability is the sum of your assignment liability and fee liability.
Funds held for assignment liability is an estimated amount representing how much you would have to pay Workers if Workers submitted results for every assignment you are requesting, and you approved all of the results. We hold these funds because we need to ensure that Workers are paid promptly for their work on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Your assignment liability will increase as you create new HITs and will decrease as you approve or reject assignments. If you have no outstanding assignments, you will have zero assignment liability.
Funds held for fee liability is an estimated amount representing how much you would have to pay MTurk if Workers submitted results for every assignment you are requesting, and you approved all of the results. Your fee liability will increase as you create new HITs and will decrease as you approve or reject assignments. If you have no outstanding assignments, you will have zero fee liability.