Well, without looking it up, I think the colonial period started about the mid 1600s. Britain, France, Spain, and the Dutch (the Dutch were a
big deal for quite a while). Most of those were just out to "conquer" and seek gold. The Brits, on the other hand, were looking to create, then expand, markets, as in "mercantile." Thus the 13 colonies. Our first real export to anywhere, including Britain was, of all things, tobacco. So Britain fought a long war over here (the French and Indian War), felt she had first say on what went on over here, pushed a bit too far, and voila, we revolted. If I recall correctly, James Otis started it all around 1760.
So I live in the rural of all rurals. The nearest town is 55 miles distant, the nearest VA clinic is 65 miles away, and the nearest VA hospital is 118 miles away, which is a real -- pardon me -- a real bitch. The VA's healthcare is great, for the most part, but their psych care ( which I do desperately need ) leaves much to be desired. Still, I am luckier than many an American, I guess. And you are spot on about the mobile healthcare: I would kill for that.
And I admire, and greatly appreciate, your caring about our history.