Who are the WARlords?
Also, is there a reason we're doing two eliminations at a time, instead of letting the numbers dwindle naturally? Why do the teams have to have an even number?
There's not much incentive to win, we lose someone anyway.
This is it, exactly. Like, "yay, we won! Fuck, we're still being punished for winning."
I apologize for the WARLords. It was an early morning post.

Edited for my typo of sleepiness.
I originally made this a 16 week game. I was going to take 16, but offered to take more if there was more interest stating there were to be double eliminations to catch us up. This schedule was set up to run a game through the spring, break during summer and run a game through the fall again. I'd like to run 2 games a year.
Teams get shuffled all the time in these games. That's the nature of them, seeing as once we get to 9 players, there will not be any more team challenges. The winning team does not have to vote someone off so as they wouldn't win the prizes anymore. They just voting a team shuffle.
Again as stated originally too, this is the first game we've done like this and their might be some growing pains. If this game is run again, I will only be taking 16 players to run this as originally intended.
I want this to be fun and give people a way to socialize with others in the thread. It seems to have been a lot of fun thus far. Also, taking a few more in the first time around gave people a chance to see if they really wanted to do it. Both eliminations I have had people who wanted to step down and eliminate themselves, whether it be more involved than they wanted, getting a new job etc. If a second game is run, I think people more likely will know what they'll be getting themselves into.
The double eliminations will end after we're caught up to where we need to be in the original schedule.
I hope this resolves some questions the WARJLords might be having. I'm not here to have arguments or upset feelings. It's just a game guys, and I hope we can continue to play it without too much of a loud roar of complaints. Opinions and comments are always welcome, but let's keep any disrespect to a minimum. Not saying anyone has been, I just don't want this is get too crazy and
@aveline or
@kryssyy come shut us down.