So as you all know, after a grueling week of intense competition the winners of the post war challenge are:

You all did a phenomenal job!
Your top 3 leaders were:
Will all be receiving a sweet little cash prize this weekend.
5ALTY's sit back and relax.
WARJLords, you still did AMAZING. Your leaders were:
@Pablo Escobar
Will all be receiving a sweet little cash prize this weekend as well. Once I learn how to requester.
So, you know the drill. It's elimination time. Still a double, but we're almost caught up with that. The rules this week are:
- Send me two names in a pm of the two people that you'd want to leave your team.
- You cannot vote for the same person twice
- You must send in your vote by Saturday, February 13th at 11:59 pst (daily thread change).
@Lepi will have immunity this week, due to being the MVP for the WARJlords.
- If I do not get your votes in, it will count as two votes against yourself.
Thanks for the fun week guys!