Hey, I'm sorry for not responding last night like I said I would. I feel asleep too soon and now I have to pay for it by staying up until 8 am
I'm going to go off some things that I loosely remember, so correct me if I'm wrong on any of it.
I want to recall that you said you work for 8 hours uninterrupted, and come away with around $15-25. Is that correct?
And you prefer surveys to batches? Is this due to being scared of rejections or is it something like not being able to do them fast enough to make it worth doing?
Lastly, which scripts are you using? Full disclaimer: I do not turk often anymore and outside of common scripts like Hit Forker, MTS, PC, and so on, I won't be of much help. I tried to get another Mentor to hit you up regarding that, but it doesn't seem like any have. I'll tag
@Jerami anyway.
I'm sorry for playing 20 questions with you

I'd just like to get some sort of baseline established so that I'm covering exactly what you're looking for. My soft goal is around that $20 mark as well.. some days it can be that, or $50, or $100. I don't think you're doing terrible, but there's definitely some room for improvement there given you work for 8 or so hours. I understand that we are very different people, so I'll be sure to keep that in mind when giving you advice.
(When you get the chance to respond to this, I'll make a separate post for each question answered)