This is it. The final week. You made it! A jury composed of kicked-off castaways will be deciding your final fate,
@LucyO and
@DareAngel3. Your challenge this week, whether or not you choose to accept it, is a Q&A. You must answer 15 questions chosen by the jury as your final challenge. Presentations should be primarily text but some visual aids, such as images or gifs will be permitted.
You will have until
Wednesday, June 12th at 9 PM EST to post your answers here in the challenge thread. The jury will then vote in an anonymous poll to determine who the
SOLE SURVIVOR will be. The poll will be open for about a day, and the winner will be announced by Friday.
This time you will NOT be allowed to answer these verbally or with video. The only answers that will be allowed will be GRAPHICS/TEXT. Make them as special as you'd like. You can do media with anything created (such as slides/animated video) but nothing live action and no voicing.
If you have any questions of whether something will be allowed within these rules, please message Vanyanka or scrmcasey for clarification.
Good luck!
1. Aveline and the rest of the MTC admin crew decide to throw in the towel, and they leave the future of MTC in your hands. What are three things that you would do to improve MTC and why?
(courtesy of Sciency McScienceface)
2. We all like money, we all need money, we're on an mTurk site after all. That said, what is the absolute bare minimum amount of money it would take for someone to feed you an entire Big Mac like a Mother bird. Meaning, that person would chew up said Bic Mac and drop it in your cute little baby bird looking mouth. Now that you have confessed your price, why?
(courtesy of El Pablo)
3. If game masters
@scrmcasey &
@Vanyanka were planets, what planet would each be and why?
(courtesy of Mboone73)
4. What MTurk task would you do exclusively if it would always get you to goal ( or some $x a day) but you had to work on it exclusively from the start of your day to the finish for the rest of your MTurk career?
(courtesy of Despairagus)
5. Which HITs and/or requesters are so horrible, you'd rather take pictures of eggs than complete the HIT?
(courtesy of ristiekay)
6. Which forum member would you take with you on a survival adventure and why?
(courtesy of MeTurks)
7. What forum member would you keep as a pet and why?
(courtesy of TinaBanina)
8. Of your fellow Castaways this season, and our Gamemasters...Who sits at what lunch table in the cafeteria?
(courtesy of JenniLeigh)
9. MTC is having a yearbook of forum members for the first time! Who wins which category and why? Most likely to be on Catfish (as the catfish or the catfished); most likely to be president; most likely to star in their own reality TV show; and most likely to break a world record.
(courtesy of themildone)
10. Best post coital snack foods. What are they and what makes them superior? Restricted to foods that can be comfortably consumed in bed. Refrigerator grazing is a separate category.
(courtesy of Nikoratos)
11. Which fellow castaway did you learn the most from this season and what did you learn?
(courtesy of easterbasketcasey)
12. If you were in the Guinness Book of World Records, what would it be for?
(courtesy of easterbasketcasey)
13. When you die, what will be written on your tombstone?
(courtesy of easterbasketcasey)
14. If you were forced to watch one movie on an endless loop for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
(courtesy of easterbasketcasey)
15. If you had to kill one of the two Survivor hosts, who would it be and why?
(courtesy of easterbasketcasey)