2. We all like money, we all need money, we're on an mTurk site after all. That said, what is the absolute bare minimum amount of money it would take for someone to feed you an entire Big Mac like a Mother bird. Meaning, that person would chew up said Big Mac and drop it in your cute little baby bird looking mouth. Now that you have confessed your price, why? (courtesy of
@El Pablo )
$250 million. While, embarrassingly

, I kinda like Big Macs, I would definitely have to have a lot of money for someone to feed it to me like a baby bird. Also, it would really depend on who was feeding it to me. I mean, is it someone I know? A complete stranger? Do they have any weird diseases? Could I wear a blind fold? These are important things to know. I think with $250 million, I could get enough vaccinations and mouthwash to be able to handle it and it would be enough money so that I could buy things that would help me forget how I got that money.
3. If game masters
@scrmcasey &
@Vanyanka were planets, what planet would each be and why? (courtesy of
@mboone73 )
@Vanyanka would be
Jupiter. Jupiter, in mythology, is the ruler of the gods and their guardian and protector. Being the largest planet in our solar system, it protects the interior planets against comets and asteroids because they are drawn to it instead. The Vedic meaning of Jupiter is “Jovial King”. Jupiter was considered the Mentor, guru, or teacher of the gods, always helping the gods in war against demons and was also associated with luck and expansion. Vanyanka embodies all of these things. She seems to be an optimist, but not someone that wears rose colored glasses. As a game master she is jovial and acts as our guardian and protector, guru - if you will. Vanyanka is also beautiful and she pulls us into her orbit, just like Jupiter.
@scrmcasey would be the
Moon (yes, I know, not technically a planet, but I believe that it describes ScrmCasey better than any of the other planets and in ancient times, it was considered a planet). In Vedic, the Moon is the Goddess of Hunting and is associated with emotions, the mother, and motherly instincts. The moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, moods, and their ability to react and adapt to those around them. In Chinese astrology, the Moon represents Yin, the passive and receptive feminine life principle. In Indian astrology, the Moon is called Chandra or Soma and represents the mind, queenship and mother. The moon also influences sensibility and intuition. Scrmcasey, like the moon, has been a mother figure for us as a game master. She is caring and perceptive. She shows compassion toward people and understands the emotions of others and has the ability to make us all feel comfortable. She also has the ability to sway our emotions like the moon controls the tides. Like Chandra, she is a shining light that watches over us.
4. What MTurk task would you do exclusively if it would always get you to goal ( or some $x a day) but you had to work on it exclusively from the start of your day to the finish for the rest of your MTurk career? (courtesy of
@Despairagus )
The Kitchen Hits from PerchMturk. I love those things. They are mindless, easy, and I get to see inside other people’s homes, which is a plus for me. If they posted all day, every day, I would be the happiest person alive. Getting to snoop through other peoples’ homes and seeing how they designed their kitchens and what type of appliances they bought would be a dream come true.
5. Which HITs and/or requesters are so horrible, you'd rather take pictures of eggs than complete the HIT? (courtesy of
@ristiekay )
Hands-down, it would have to be
the hits from CopyText Inc. where you type the text from images. When I first started I didn’t know a good hit from a bad hit and I did some of those. They are just awful. You think that you just have to do one, but no, no, you have to do several and they only pay a penny. Then, you think, “oh, well they said I’d get a bonus.” Yeah, you get like another penny as a bonus for 20 minutes of work. I would set fire to them all if I could.
6. Which forum member would you take with you on a survival adventure and why? (courtesy of
@MeTurks )
While there are many good candidates from the forum and everyone has different and unique qualities, it would have to be
@JenniLeigh . She seems like she’d be pretty tough and would know how to do stuff. I also think she’s cool and witty and we’d be able to get along great in a survival situation without killing each other. Also, according to her Instagram page (don’t worry Jennileigh, I haven’t been stalking your Instagram ?….or have I?

), she knows how to grow stuff and what plants are and probably what is safe to eat, and I gotta eat stuff on a survival adventure because I know I’ll get hungry, and you know - want to survive and such.
7. What forum member would you keep as a pet and why? (courtesy of
@TinaBanina )
I would probably want to keep
@ristiekay as a pet because she’s an otter, and how freakin’ cool would it be to tell people that you had an otter as a pet. Plus, she seems like a super sweet person and someone that would be really cool to hang out with. I don’t know if I’d be able to find a pool big enough to build a habitat, but I think that I could manage. Also, I’d have to find out what otters eat….does anyone know if they eat poptarts with or without the frosting?
8. Of your fellow Castaways this season, and our Gamemasters...Who sits at what lunch table in the cafeteria? (courtesy of
@JenniLeigh )
9. MTC is having a yearbook of forum members for the first time! Who wins which category and why? Most likely to be on Catfish (as the catfish or the catfished); most likely to be president; most likely to star in their own reality TV show; and most likely to break a world record. (courtesy of
@themildone )
First of all, I want to say that I had no idea what Catfish was. I was like, “Is that a movie with Don Knotts….no, no, that was called ‘The Incredible Mr. Limpet’. But, maybe he was a catfish in that movie…” However, with a quick Google search, I discovered Catfish on MTV…I am obsessed now (I blame you,
@themildone ). I watched all of the episodes they have on demand, I laughed, I cried, it was an emotional rollercoaster. And now that that’s cleared up here are the “Most Likely” category winners for the MTC yearbook.
10. Best post coital snack foods. What are they and what makes them superior? Restricted to foods that can be comfortably consumed in bed. Refrigerator grazing is a separate category. (courtesy of
@Nikoratos )
Peanut Butter M&Ms. They melt in your mouth and not in your hand. They can be stored on the nightstand. They are crunchy but not too crunchy. They have peanut butter in them so they are obviously nutritious, and they don’t leave crumbs or anything.
11. Which fellow castaway did you learn the most from this season and what did you learn? (courtesy of
@easterbasketcasey )
It’s hard to choose just one person that I learned the most from because I learned a lot from everyone, but
@DareAngel3 , being a fierce competitor, taught me lots of things during multiple challenges, especially during Scattergories. I did not know there were so many cartoon characters whose names started with “R”, nor did I know there were so many species of birds. She also taught me that I had to be “quicker than that” at musical chairs.
12. If you were in the Guinness Book of World Records, what would it be for? (courtesy of
@easterbasketcasey )
I love my animals and I love annoying my family with little songs that I make new. A lot of random singing goes on at my house and when I’m driving in the car. Most of it centers around my beloved dog. So, I’d have to say that I would be in the Guinness Book of World Records for
Most songs sang about a pet.
And many, many more….
13. When you die, what will be written on your tombstone? (courtesy of
@easterbasketcasey )
First of all, I’m never going to die. I plan on living forever, but if I had a tombstone made it’d say,
“I’ll be back!”
14. If you were forced to watch one movie on an endless loop for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? (courtesy of
@easterbasketcasey )
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. If I could choose a whole series of movies I would chose them, but since I can only pick one, it would have to be the third Harry Potter movie. The reason I like that one the most is because it is right before everything goes all to crap for Harry Potter. The kids are still small enough that the movie is a little dark, but still ends somewhat happy. Another reason I love that movie is the attention to detail. You get to see more of the castle, and more of Hagrid’s hut, as well as the grounds. Also, the music. John Williams is a genius. The music for the Harry Potter films is spectacular. It is instantly recognizable and always gives me a warm feeling. It is as if he somehow found a way to take the feeling of Christmas and baked goods and turn it into music. He really knows how to capture the spirit of a movie in his compositions. And finally, the actors. Where else are you going to get so many of the great British film actors in one place?
15. If you had to kill one of the two Survivor hosts, who would it be and why? (courtesy of
@easterbasketcasey )
@scrmcasey , because we already killed
@Vanyanka earlier in the season and I’d like to kill the set. Also, she seemed to get a little too much pleasure out of making us SIT during Musical chairs….

I hope that has answered all your questions. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to leave them in the suggestion box.