Ignoring a survey to talk about authors, nerd alert
Yeah, pretty much.
Yeah, that was a shitty day. I don't have any cool stories about the day he died, but I can tell you that no one at my shitty retail job was particularly impressed by my explanation of why I seemed really depressed that day.
Having vague memories now that my one English teacher in high school who had us read Cat's Cradle had to make a giant stink for a long time before they let her do that, but...yeah. I ended up with an entire shelf of Vonnegut before I graduated, thanks to that teacher and that book. Can totally relate to the "someone different like I was" feel.
Eh. As an adult I'd have to pull harder for Bradbury; just as concise, so much more elegant, didn't have to stunt nearly so hard to get his point across.
Which isn't to say that Vonnegut isn't great. I'm glad you got to teach classes where you could, er, "inspire" people to read him, that must have been pretty cool.
***end nerd alert, please continue talking about sportsballs or whatever