My 30-day free trial is over. However, in Italy I pay € 36 per year.
Thank you for being a valued member of Amazon Prime. We are writing to you about an upcoming change to your membership.
As of February 18, 2022, the price of the monthly Prime membership has increased from $12.99 to $14.99, and the price of the annual Prime membership has increased from $119 to $139. The new prices, plus applicable taxes, will apply after March 25, 2022, on the date of your next renewal.
We continue to invest in making Prime even more valuable for members. Since the last price change in 2018, we have added more product selection available with fast, free, unlimited Prime shipping, and we expanded Free Same-Day Delivery from 48 to more than 90 U.S. metropolitan areas. In addition, Prime Video has tripled the number of Amazon Original series and movies; and this September, Prime Video will release the highly anticipated The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and become the exclusive home of NFL’s Thursday Night Football. This is all on top of billions of dollars in Prime Day savings over the years; the addition of new program benefits like prescription savings and fast, free delivery from Amazon Pharmacy; and the continued expansion of Amazon Music for Prime members, Prime Reading, and Prime Gaming.
No further action is required. You may manage your Prime membership anytime by visiting Your Account.
Your Amazon Prime Team