Thankful for the trail blazers who came before us. It had to start somewhere. Just like we wouldn't want to go back to life without modern conveniences I don't think anyone would want to go back to the way mturk used to be. I can surely tell you I wouldn't have been able to stick it out. 1st of all because of what
@Lepi posted above, but also I am no where near as computer literate as a lot of you and know absolutely nothing about scripting and programming. I am a middle aged woman who stumbled upon this site one day when I was part of a blogging community and ran across an article about this place. And here I am.
I was looking for something else turk related and came across a really old blog by an mturker from back in 2005...I think it was. It was when mTurk first got whenever that was. Anyway, I disbanded my search for the other turk related thing for awhile and read all of the posts. It is absolutely unbelievable what those people went through when mTurk was brand new. The ridiculous amount of rejections that they all got for work that didn't pay jack squat in the first place - it was horrible to read it. They would get hundreds of rejections a day. I guess back then there wasn't this % approved that they had to worry about, so they kept plugging away.
I compared it a lot to how things were when I got started. I started before a lot of these scripts were out, and in some cases, it was actually easier, but not because there weren't any scripts, it's because the community was smaller. Except for a few jerks who mocked new people looking for help, most people were helpful and shared - we all did the batches and surveys together - we all faced mass rejections together, we all faced triumph together, we all cheered each other on when we made the money that we did - people weren't stingy and hiding things from each other....
What made it easier was not only the smaller community of people, no cliques, etc, it was the fact that there weren't as many people turking back then. It was actually possible to get a freaking hit without scrambling - there was no need for all of those scripts. Now there's like 1300 different turking forums, there's cliques, there's secrets, and there's a whole lot more is not possible to turk as well now without scripts as it was back then without scripts based solely on the quantity (and in some cases quality) of people. And I say that having been to other forums - not everyone is nice. Not by a long shot. The feeling of "community" and people willing to help others learn is dwindling...only a few places left actually do that. The rest of them - they are in it all for themselves.