green boxes and squiggly lines, got, I fixed it so it's easier to understand
Look at mr moneybags over here with "investments"that image was a standalone meme
the point of it was that it says women assume guys all want a hot chick
but in reality, we just want our stocks and other investments to rise exponentially
it's less than $1000Look at mr moneybags over here with "investments"
90% of the time I don't understand the joke, I just nod and laugh and hope for the best. Which is weird since y'all can't see/hear me do that.I didn't get it either@Jaded
i love it. they just need to keep this up 48 mins@PeachyRider Rockets playing with intensity now.
Just saw this (I may have been coloring for the past nearly 2 hours). I'm glad Caleb has such a wonderful support system in his mother and of course CJ in his life now.Mine started out at $1k/month when he was pulling 1400 take home per week, then voluntarily dropped to 600/month when he lost his job and took a lower paying position... totally worked with him on everything and 100% used it for Caleb's needs/lifestyle only. Dude suddenly stopped paying and never started again, never sent a Christmas or birthday gift, and has seen him once in 5 years. Doesn't even ask how he's doing. But every girlfriend he's ever had has been told that he was an amazing father and I was just keeping him away....
TLDR: ex's are the worst.
Almost a cup handle making a breakout. [ Except for the 'cup' part ]here, I fixed it so it's easier to understand
they’re scaredIf the Rockets subbed me in right now I'd be able to get a couple steals and offensive rebounds
wtf are the warriors doing
It has to be. This is getting ridiculous. I think I've signed up for every viable survey or panel site that I could on and Reddit in the last couple days.Tomorrow should be a better day for mturk right?
talk about a total failNor did I. Well, ... the only thought I had was "rising" or "going up," ... then my brain wouldn't process any morel.
I really hope this all works out to@Jharkan's advantage (as I'm sure we all do).
holiday weekend. it’ll pick up soon hopefullyIt has to be. This is getting ridiculous. I think I've signed up for every viable survey or panel site that I could on and Reddit in the last couple days.