I do like this idea and I think it would be great, especially if we had enough members volunteer for it.
Regarding the mentoring idea, I'm a noob and would like to participate, if you wanted to try it out on a small scale.
I've been on MTC a month now, and a worker 3 weeks. I came here because my search for MTurk tips and tricks led me to the resources here, which I have read several times. I lurked for a few days, and realized how resourceful this forum is, so I joined. 90% of my information, and 90% of my earnings, are a direct result of this forum, and I really appreciate all the unrecognized work it takes to run and create this. TBH, I didn't even see the Donate button up top until it was mentioned earlier today. I will definitely make a contribution (once I figure out the best way) because it is the very least I can do.
As to the other comments I've read about personalities, shitposting, off-topic, etc: the forum isn't perfect, but it's real, it's helpful, it's entertaining, and it's a community - at least to my outsider view. Not everyone will always get along, some people are always sarcastic, but that is the way all communities are

. I don't really care for the wrestling gifs, or some of the other ones, but if I see something I don't like, I keep scrolling...no worries! I REALLY like the "spoiler" button, because it helps filter out things, and after a while users learn when to click on a poster's spoiler button, and when not to

. Maybe the spoiler button usage could be used for off-topic stuff too? Not sure, just a thought.
As for the forum's responsiveness, I've asked several questions, and have been pleased and surprised how responsive and helpful everyone is. The earlier comment about not giving all the secrets away - I totally understand that, and don't feel animosity as a noob. Experienced turkers have put their time in, and they deserve to keep any secrets they want to keep or share. I appreciate any input I get from the pros, and I take it seriously. You have to find your own way in this - if it was so easy, everyone would do it. Everyone isn't, so there's some mystery to the game of MTurk. I've enjoyed figuring things out as I go along, and I've only scratched the surface.
Anyway - thanks for all you do, thanks for letting me be a part of it.