Heya, noob user here sitting at 1400 submitted 1 rejection with some quick questions for you mturk veterans: what is your workflow like? I did a bit of googling and a forum keyword search with no luck.
I recently picked up panda crazy, and I'm a bit confused how to utilize it because it suggests only adding 5-10 hits since it searches one hit at a time--I feel like I'd set it up for hits like project endor etc, but then I might not start it at the right time of day to get those hits, and thus the tool would be pretty much useless to me. I don't use an autorefresher with a panda link like some suggest since that seems the same as panda crazy, just crapier.
I've used hitscraper to find hits, but I usually average $2-4 an hour. I've got it set up for a minimum reward size of 0.25, 44 pages to scrape, correct for skips, hide stuff I'm unqualified for (was qualing a lot for a while, got maybe 3-4 so I stopped bothering for now), hide no TO, search by latest (I switch this up sometimes), and I've blocklisted stuff that was cluttering results like transcriptions (crowdsource, p9r, jon brelig, scoutit, speechpad). I haven't been hitscraping as much lately, I seem have more luck just watching these threads and using the hit notifier website.