I hate talking to people but I loved doing telemarketing because nearly every response had a script. The only time my script didn't work was when I somehow called this dude who was high as balls and kept asking me off the wall questions about the moon and my chakras (Which I answered with "That is a fantastic question, why don't I hook you up with one of our mortgage specialists and they can figure all that out for you."
Oh, I'm not supposed to have people in my head anymore?
I don't have to imagine. I've done that too >.<
The good things with scripts, is that they help you with people like that, or the insistent pervs. (Warning to anyone wanting to work for cable/satellite provider: you WILL get calls for "assistance" in ordering PPV from creepy people.) You can just go automatic robot and repeat scripting until they (hopefully) get the point. Didn't work so well with the guy I got while working for JPMorgan/Chase, though. I swear to Bob, he was Cartman's twin...spoke just like him, and kept saying "You guys!" just like him. I did my best with the scripting, but I was in tears by the end of the call and the whole row was cracking up because I kept having to hit mute to get my laughter under control.
And just tell
@Kerek that you need your headspace back, yo. Should fix the issue. If not, try turning it off and then turning it back on.